When the car is driven fully laden, the rear tyre pressures should be increased by 4 lb/sq.in. (0,3 kg/cm squared ).
Whenever possible check with the tyres cold. as the pressure is about 3 lb!sq.in. (0,2 kg/cm squared) higher at running temperature.
Always replace the valve caps, as they form a positive seal on the valves.
When high speed touring, the tyre pressures should be checked much more frequently, even to the extent of a daily check.
If front wheel tread wear is uneven, check wheel alignment.
Any unusual pressure loss in excess of 1 lb/sq.in. (0,05 kg/cm squared) per week should be investigated and corrected.
Always check the spare wheel, so that it is ready for use at anytime.
At the same time, remove embedded flints, etc., from the tyre treads with the aid of a penknife or similar tool. Clean off any oil or grease on the tyres, using petrol sparingly.
Wheel and tyre units are accurately balanced on initial assembly with the aid of clip-on weights secured to the wheel rims.
Wheel balance should always be checked whenever new tyres are fitted to ensure that the dynamic balance of the wheel and tyre is correct.
When tyres are changed, road wheels should be carefully checked for possible damage.
When replacements are required, the tyres should be as currently specified by the Company. They should be of the same type and make as those previously fitted.
In the case of tubeless tyres a new Schrader snap-in valve must be fitted whenever a tubeless tyre is replaced.
Propeller shaft lubrication, all models
Every 5,000 miles
Apply one of the recommended greases at the lubrication nipple on the sliding portion of rear propeller shaft.
Fully sealed journals are fitted and these require no lubrication.