Careful running-in is of great importance; high speeds and harsh driving for the first 500 miles can cause unnecessary wear in the engine and transmission and so shorten the life of the car. Although the instructions have been made as simple and clear as possible, there may be occasions when further information is required; in such cases you are advised to see your local Rover distributor or dealer, or, if necessary, you can write direct to The Rover Company's Technical Service Department. The full car serial number must be quoted in all correspondence; the registration number of the car is no use whatever to us, The engine serial number, which need not be quoted in correspondence unless specifically asked for, is stamped on the left-hand side of the cylinder block at the front. It is important in your own interests, that you should fill in and return to The Rover Co. Limited, the Guarantee - Warranty. The car serial number will be found on a plate attached to the left-hand front door hinge post, visible when the door is open. Ignition and boot key numbers It is important that you should recognise the necessity of using only genuine Rover Parts or Rover Approved Parts when repair or maintenance work is being carried out on your car. Rover parts are produced to the same high standard as those parts built into the car in its original production and it is in your best interests that you should insist that only genuine Rover Parts or Rover Approved Parts are fitted to your car. It will be realised that from time to time alterations in design and in the make of various accessories occur and this instruction manual, while up-to-date as >far as possible, is not to be taken as a standard specification. The specification may be altered at any time, without incurring any obligation to incorporate such alteration in cars already delivered. Glass breakages It has the advantage that should a claim be made any "no claim bonus" which may exist in respect cf the insurance on the car itself will be unaffected. For ease of reference the book has been divided into three parts. THE ROVER Co. LTD.,
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