The electrical equipment is designed and manufactured to give long periods of service without any need for adjustment or cleaning. The small amount of attention which is required is described in Section 1, and this procedure should be followed to ensure that the best service is obtained.

Section 2 gives information on the operation of the various items of the equipment and describes the method of setting the lamps and the carrying out of replacements, such as bulbs, high tension cables, etc., which may become necessary from time to time.

Section 3 contains information for dealing with the location and the remedy of troubles, the causes of which can usually be traced to lack of attention to the equipment or damage to the wiring.

All owners of Lucas equipment are urged to take advantage of the facilities offered by the Lucas Service Organisation, with its many Service Depots and Agencies throughout this country and overseas. A list of Service Depots in the British Isles is given on Page 95.



After the first 750 miles (1.000 Km.).

R e m o v e the moulded distributor cap and turn over the engine by hand until the contacts in the distributor are fully opened. Check the gap with the gauge on the screwdriver supplied in the tool tray. This gauge has a thickness of .012" (0,30 mm.) and if the setting is correct the gauge should be a sliding fit. If the gap varies appreciably from the gauge the contact breaker must be adjusted. To adjust; keep the engine in position to give the maximum opening of the contacts and slacken the two screws which secure the contact plate. Move the plate until the gap is set to the thickness of the gauge and then fully tighten. the locking screws.

Fig. 30. Contact Breaker

Fig. 31. Topping up Battery,
using a Hydrometer

Monthly or every 1,000 miles (1.500 Km.).

Remove the filler plugs from each cell of the battery and examine the level of the electrolyte in each cell. If necessary, add sufficient distilled water to bring the electrolyte level with the tops of the separators. A hydrometer will be found useful for topping up as it prevents the distilled water from being spilled on top of the battery. Do not use tap water and do not use a naked light when examining the condition of the cells.

Examine the terminals and if they are corroded, scrape them clean and coat with petroleum jelly.
Note.-In hot climates it will be necessary to top up the battery at more frequent intervals.
Wipe away all dirt and moisture from the top of the battery and make sure that the connections and fixing bolts are clean and tight.
Access to the battery is gained by lifting out the rear seat cushion complete and removing the large inspection cover on the right-hand side of the seat pan.

Every 3,000 miles (5.000 Km.).
Carry out the procedure for every 1,000 miles (1.500 Km.). and the following:


Lightly smear the cam with a very small amount of Mobil-grease No. 2 or if this is not available, clean engine oil can be used.

Cam Bearing and Distributor Shaft.
Lift the rotor off the top of the spindle by pulling it off vertically and add a few drops of thin machine oil to lubricate the cam bearing and distributor shaft.

Replace the rotor correctly and push it on to the shaft as far as it will go, otherwise there is a risk of the moulded cap becoming burned or tracked.

Automatic Timing Control.
Carefully add a few drops of thin machine oil through the hole marked "OIL HERE" in the contact breaker base plate.

Contact Breaker Pivot.
Place a small amount of Mobil grease No. 2 or clean engine oil on the pivot on which the contact breaker lever works. Do not allow oil or grease to get on to the contacts.

Every 6,000 miles (10.000 Km.).
Carry out the procedure for every 1,000 miles (1.500 Km.) and 3,000 miles (5.000 Km.) and the following:-

Wipe the inside and outside of the moulded distributor cap with a soft, dry cloth, paying particular attention to the space between the metal electrodes. See that the small carbon brush on the inside of the moulding works freely in its holder.
Examine the contact breaker. The contacts must be free from grease or oil. If they are burned or blackened, clean them with a fine carborundum stone or with very fine emery cloth. Afterwards wipe away any trace of dirt or metal dust with a petrol-moistened cloth. Cleaning of the contacts is made easier if the contact-breaker lever carrying the moving contact is removed. To do this, slacken the nut on the terminal post and lift off the end of the contact breaker spring which is slotted to facilitate removal, The lever can then be lifted off its pivot pin. After cleaning and replacing, check the contact breaker setting.

Fig. 32. Cleaning Contacts
with Moving Contact removed.

Fig. 33. Lubricating Catch Pin

Contact Breaker-Checking and Adjustment.
Turn the engine by hand until the contacts are fully opened and insert the gauge, provided on the ignition screwdriver, between the contacts. If the setting is correct, the gauge will be a sliding fit, but if the gap varies appreciably from the gauge, the setting should be adjusted. ' Keep the engine in the position to give maximum opening of the contacts and slacken the two screws securing the plate carrying the fixed contact. Move the, plate until the gap is set to the thickness of the. gauge and afterwards tighten the two screws.

Apply by means of a brush or other suitable article, a drop of thin machine oil, such as sewing machine oil, to the catch pin between the arm and the operating mechanism. Use only the slightest trace as any excess may affect the efficient operation of the trafficator.

Also withdraw the screw on the underside of the arm and slide off the arm cover. Place the connecting wire to the bulb on one side and apply a few drops of thin machine oil to the lubricating pad at the top of the arm. To replace the arm cover, slide it in an upwards direction so that the side plates engage with the slots on the underside of the spindle bearing and secure with the screw.

Fig 34. Lubricating Arm Pivot Bearing