The pedal adjustment is correct when there is 1 in. (25 mm.) free movement measured at the pedal pad. This movement should be checked occasionally and should any adjustment be required, it is only necessary to lengthen or shorten the cable until the correct amount of free movement is obtained at the pedal pad. Slacken the lock-nut (A) and adjust the cable, using the spanner flats provided at (B). Disregard the two nuts
marked (c).
The clutch should be used purely for starting the car from rest and when changing gear (if the freewheel is not in use). It is bad driving and detrimental to any clutch to "coast" down hills with the clutch pedal depressed, or to make a habit of slipping the clutch when rounding corners, etc.
We use and recommend Lodge HL14P or HLNR sparking plugs. The sparking plug points should be checked periodically and the gaps adjusted if necessary. The best gap between the electrodes is .018 in. (0,45 mm.) and this figure should not be appreciably exceeded. The advice frequently given with coil ignition system's to run with a wide gap between the plug points is really only applicable to engines having a low compression ratio and not designed to speed up to a high rate of revolution.
The fan belt tension should be checked periodically, and adjusted when necessary.
To do this, slacken off the two nuts on the dynamo pivot bolts and also the set-bolt retaining the adjusting link to the dynamo. Move the dynamo outwards until the correct tension is obtained and tighten the nuts and set-bolt.
See Page 8 for information regarding Anti-Freeze Mixtures.
In frosty weather, if the car' is kept in an unheated garage, it is advisable to drain all the water out, unless an anti-freeze mixture is in use. It is not sufficient merely to drain the radiator; the cylinder block must also be drained. A drain tap for the radiator will be found on the underside of the radiator block and a tap for the cylinder block on the off-side of the engine at the rear of the block (Figs. 7 and 9). In addition, it will be necessary to remove the car heater unit, drain out .the water and replace, as this portion of the cooling system is not emptied when the two drain taps are opened.
A special jacking system is fitted to this car to enable the jack to be -placed in position with a minimum of effort and without any necessity for getting underneath the car.
The jack supplied is fitted with an extension projecting at right-angles from one side of the body This extension is intended to fit into a square bearing hole, one of which will be found fitted to each chassis side-member. These holes are reached through one of two traps in the floor of the car immediately in front of each front seat.
When it is required to raise either the left-hand or right-hand side of the car, lift the trap on the side concerned, fit the extension on the jack in the corresponding bearing in the side-member an4 operate the jack by means of the winding handle until the foot of the jack touches the ground. At this point, check that the foot of the jack is making square contact with the ground, rectify if necessary and then continue to wind until the wheels are clear of the ground. . To lower the car reverse operations.
Note.-When jacking the car with means other than those supplied, suitable jacking points are: Front: At the centre of the front chassis cross-member, under the steering relay lever cap.
Rear: On the shackle cross-tube across the car beneath the boot.
To remove a road wheel, jack up the side of the car concerned (see Page 65) remove the hub cover plate and unscrew the five double-ended hexagon nuts holding the wheel to the hub. When all the nuts are detached, gently pull the wheel over the studs, taking care not to damage the threads. It is advisable to use a drop of oil on each thread when replacing the nuts, to assist in subsequent removal.
Test the tightness of wheel, nuts at frequent intervals (weekly is suggested).
The spare wheel is carried in the boot lid and can be reached after lifting the boot lid cover from the inside, using the carriage key provided in the tool tray. The clamping plate retaining the spare wheel is fitted in a slot and can be removed complete with its securing bolt when the wing nut is slackened.
To remove a brake drum, take out the three holding screws (Fig. 27) and screw one of them into the "blind" hole as shown. This will force the drum off the hub.
If there is undue side play in the front wheels, wear can be taken up as follows -Jack up the side of the car concerned, remove the road wheel and aluminium hub cap. Release the locking plate washer to allow removal of the locking-nut.